The cardiovascular side effects of the myosin activator omecamtiv mecarbil

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2015/2016. tanév
Farmakológia, gyógyszerhatástan, klinikai gyógyszerészet
Presenting author
Name (format for foreign students: Last Name, First Name): 
Helgadóttir Sólveig Lind

Abstract data

Előadás címe: 
The cardiovascular side effects of the myosin activator omecamtiv mecarbil

Omecamtiv mecarbil (OM) is a novel cardiac myosin activator that shows promising results in the management of systolic heart failure. It binds to the myosin heads, resulting in increased ATPase activity and improved energy utilization.

We aimed to investigate the in vitro and in vivo effects of OM on heart function.

The effects of OM on the aortic flow, coronary flow and aortic pressure were measured in isolated working heart preparations, in vitro. OM was also administered in the jugular vein to measure its effects on the heart function (by echocardiography) and blood pressure (invasive measurement), in vivo.

OM evoked a dose dependent (0, 200, 600 and 1200 µg/bkg) decrease in aortic flow (59±4, 63±6 ml/min; no flow above 600 µg/bkg dose, respectively), coronary flow (23±1, 25±2, 13±2 and 6±2 ml/min, respectively) and in aortic pressure (103±1, 93,6±1, 54±6 and 34±6 mmHg, respectively). However, there was a dose dependent increase in ejection fraction (EF) (from 70±2, 72±4, 78±5 to 82±8%, respectively to the doses mentioned above), a decrease in E/A ratio (2±0,05, 1,8±0,1, 1,5±0,03, respectively, while it was not measurable at the highest dose), and an increase in isovolumetric relaxation time (22±2, 32±0,8, 35±1,8 and 51±2 in ms, respectively) as determined by echocardiography. The 1200 µg/bkg dose significantly decreased both systolic and diastolic blood pressure (to 41±9% and to 37±11%, respectively) as determined by invasive measurements. Finally, we found that a high dose of norepinephrine (5µg/bkg) reverses the decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressures (to 132±10 % and to 117±9%, respectively), along with improving the diastolic dysfunction (E/A ratio back to 1,69±0,05 and IVRT to 20,83±0,7 ms).

In conclusion, high doses of OM significantly increase systolic function, in vivo. However, it also results in diastolic dysfunction, in vivo, and seriously decreased cardiac output, in vitro, which leads to severe hypotension, in vivo. Our data suggest that OM should be used carefully in the clinical practice. Moreover, we propose that high dose of norepinephrine can be utilized to overcome the hypotension and diastolic dysfunction if it develops.

First tutor
Dr. Fülop Gábor Áron
Kardiológiai Intézet, Klinikai Fiziológiai Tanszék
Second tutor
Dr. Csipő Tamás
Kardiológiai Intézet, Klinikai Fiziológiai Tanszék

Támogatók: Támogatók: Az NTP-TDK-14-0007 számú, A Debreceni Egyetem ÁOK TDK tevékenység népszerűsítése helyi konferencia keretében, az NTP-TDK-14-0006 számú, A Debreceni Egyetem Népegészségügyi Karán folyó Tudományos Diákköri kutatások támogatása, NTP-HHTDK-15-0011-es A Debreceni Egyetem ÁOK TDK tevékenység népszerűsítése 2016. évi helyi konferencia keretében, valamint a NTP-HHTDK-15-0057-es számú, A Debreceni Egyetem Népegészségügyi Karán folyó Tudományos Diákköri kutatások támogatása című pályázatokhoz kapcsolódóan az Emberi Erőforrás Támogatáskezelő, az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, az Oktatáskutató és Fejlesztő Intézet és a Nemzeti Tehetség Program