Technical information for presenting authors

- The maximal length of a talk is 10 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion; please strictly observe the limits. The end of the 10-minute timeframe is signalled by the student member of the jury (s/he stand up). At that time the presenting author has 30 more seconds to finish his talk without losing any points. After a total time of 15 minutes is elapsed, the chairperson of the session ends the disscussion or the talk if it is still in progress.
- Suggested file format: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 slideshow (ppsx). Other accepted formats: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation (pptx), Microsoft Office PowerPoint XP/2003 presentation (pps or ppt). OpenOffice formats are not accepted.
- You must upload all files belonging to your presentation to our website ( You can access the page after logging in. You will not be able to upload your presentation directly to the computer before the sessions.
- Resolution of the projector: min. 1024x768 pixel (in case of technical problems smaller resolutions may be provided).
- Each presenting author will be given the opportunity to use a cordless presenter. In order to protect the computers you will not be able to bring your own such device. The member of the organizing committee present during the session can also help the presenting author during the talk upon request.
- Due to difficulties in presentation we do not recommend you to include movies in your presentation. If you still wish to do so, please save your video in WMV (Windows Media Video) format in the same folder as your PowerPoint file and then embed it in the presentation. Please upload both the PowerPoint presentation and the video file to our website. No file names should be longer then 15 characters and they may only contain lower case letters of the English alphabet, numbers and hyphens. Whitespace and special characters are not allowed in file names.
- All authors will have the opportunity test their presentation before the conference (14 February 2012., Tuesday, 18:00-19:30, Department of Cardiology, Division of Clinical Physiology, room 007). We do not take any responsibility for the correct presentaion of videos if you do not test your presentation on Tuesday. You will not have the opportunity to test your presentation before your session.
- You must include an Appendix slide as the last slide of your presentation detailing the participation of each author in the presented work. Without this slide the presentation will not be scored and will not accepted as a presentation of your thesis.
Támogatók: Támogatók: Az NTP-TDK-14-0007 számú, A Debreceni Egyetem ÁOK TDK tevékenység népszerűsítése helyi konferencia keretében, az NTP-TDK-14-0006 számú, A Debreceni Egyetem Népegészségügyi Karán folyó Tudományos Diákköri kutatások támogatása, NTP-HHTDK-15-0011-es A Debreceni Egyetem ÁOK TDK tevékenység népszerűsítése 2016. évi helyi konferencia keretében, valamint a NTP-HHTDK-15-0057-es számú, A Debreceni Egyetem Népegészségügyi Karán folyó Tudományos Diákköri kutatások támogatása című pályázatokhoz kapcsolódóan az Emberi Erőforrás Támogatáskezelő, az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, az Oktatáskutató és Fejlesztő Intézet és a Nemzeti Tehetség Program